Hroch, P. and M. C. J. Stoddart. (Eds). (2015). "Mediating Environments." Canadian Journal of Sociology. (Special Issue). 40 (3).
Hroch, P. and M. C. J. Stoddart. (2015). Introduction: Mediating Environments: Canadian Journal of Sociology. (Special Issue). 40 (3). pp. 295-307.
Hroch, P. (2013). Resilience versus Resistance: Affectively Modulating Contemporary Diagrams of Social Resilience, Social Sustainability, and
Social Innovation. MediaTropes. Foucault/Deleuze: A Neo-liberal Diagram (Special Issue). Eds. G. Elmer and M. Tiessen. 4 (1). pp. 17-46.
Hroch, P. (2013). Becoming-Ecological: Dwelling with|in the "Animal Kingdom." Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. One Hundred Trillion
Anomals Take the Stand (Perspectives). Ed. J. Wallin. 10 (1). pp. 18-20.
Hroch, P. (2011). Encountering the "Ecopolis": Foucault’s Epimeleia Heautou and Environmental Relations. ETopia online initiative of TOPIA:
Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies. Situating "Relation" in Communication & Culture (Special Issue). Eds. P. Couillard and S. Martel.
Hroch, P. (Spring/Summer 2008). "She’s a Real Looker": Portrait of a Flâneuse. Fait Accomplit: Academic Edition. Ed. D. Bryce. pp. 106-126.
Hroch, P. (In Press). Sustainable Design Activism: Affirmative Politics and Fruitful Futures. Deleuze & Design. Eds. B. Marenko and J. Brassett.
Edinburgh, UK: University of Edinburgh Press.
Hroch, P. (2014). Deleuze, Guattari, and Environmental Politics: Ritournelles for a Planet-yet-to-come. Deleuze & Guattari, Politics, and
Education. Eds. M. Carlin and J. Wallin. London, UK: Bloomsbury.
Hroch, P. (2011). Performing Change: Street Puppetry, Space, and the Aesthetics of Scale. Ecologies of Affect: Placing Nostalgia, Desire and Hope.
Eds. T. Davidson, O. Park and R. Shields. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. pp. 245-270.
Hroch, P. (2010). Fashion and Its "Revolutions" in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades. Walter Benjamin and the Aesthetics of Change. Ed. A. Pusca. London,
UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 108-126.
Hroch, P. (2013). Intensity. Demystifying Deleuze: An Introductory Assemblage of Crucial Concepts. Eds. R. Shields and M. Vallee. Ottawa, ON: Red
Quill Books. pp. 95-98.
Hroch, P. (2013). Potential. Demystifying Deleuze: An Introductory Assemblage of Crucial Concepts. Eds. R. Shields and M. Vallee. Ottawa, ON: Red
Quill Books. pp. 139-142.
Hroch, P. (2013). Force. Demystifying Deleuze: An Introductory Assemblage of Crucial Concepts. Eds. R. Shields and M. Vallee. Ottawa, ON: Red
Quill Books. pp. 75-78.
Hroch, P. and M. C. J. Stoddart. (Eds). (2015). "Mediating Environments." Canadian Journal of Sociology. (Special Issue). 40 (3).
Hroch, P. and M. C. J. Stoddart. (2015). Introduction: Mediating Environments: Canadian Journal of Sociology. (Special Issue). 40 (3). pp. 295-307.
Hroch, P. (2013). Resilience versus Resistance: Affectively Modulating Contemporary Diagrams of Social Resilience, Social Sustainability, and
Social Innovation. MediaTropes. Foucault/Deleuze: A Neo-liberal Diagram (Special Issue). Eds. G. Elmer and M. Tiessen. 4 (1). pp. 17-46.
Hroch, P. (2013). Becoming-Ecological: Dwelling with|in the "Animal Kingdom." Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. One Hundred Trillion
Anomals Take the Stand (Perspectives). Ed. J. Wallin. 10 (1). pp. 18-20.
Hroch, P. (2011). Encountering the "Ecopolis": Foucault’s Epimeleia Heautou and Environmental Relations. ETopia online initiative of TOPIA:
Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies. Situating "Relation" in Communication & Culture (Special Issue). Eds. P. Couillard and S. Martel.
Hroch, P. (Spring/Summer 2008). "She’s a Real Looker": Portrait of a Flâneuse. Fait Accomplit: Academic Edition. Ed. D. Bryce. pp. 106-126.
Hroch, P. (In Press). Sustainable Design Activism: Affirmative Politics and Fruitful Futures. Deleuze & Design. Eds. B. Marenko and J. Brassett.
Edinburgh, UK: University of Edinburgh Press.
Hroch, P. (2014). Deleuze, Guattari, and Environmental Politics: Ritournelles for a Planet-yet-to-come. Deleuze & Guattari, Politics, and
Education. Eds. M. Carlin and J. Wallin. London, UK: Bloomsbury.
Hroch, P. (2011). Performing Change: Street Puppetry, Space, and the Aesthetics of Scale. Ecologies of Affect: Placing Nostalgia, Desire and Hope.
Eds. T. Davidson, O. Park and R. Shields. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. pp. 245-270.
Hroch, P. (2010). Fashion and Its "Revolutions" in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades. Walter Benjamin and the Aesthetics of Change. Ed. A. Pusca. London,
UK: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 108-126.
Hroch, P. (2013). Intensity. Demystifying Deleuze: An Introductory Assemblage of Crucial Concepts. Eds. R. Shields and M. Vallee. Ottawa, ON: Red
Quill Books. pp. 95-98.
Hroch, P. (2013). Potential. Demystifying Deleuze: An Introductory Assemblage of Crucial Concepts. Eds. R. Shields and M. Vallee. Ottawa, ON: Red
Quill Books. pp. 139-142.
Hroch, P. (2013). Force. Demystifying Deleuze: An Introductory Assemblage of Crucial Concepts. Eds. R. Shields and M. Vallee. Ottawa, ON: Red
Quill Books. pp. 75-78.
Hroch, P. (Forthcoming 2014). Nomadic Theory: The Portable Rosi Braidotti, by Rosi Braidotti. Feminist Theory. 15 (3).
Hroch, P. (Spring 2008). Puppets & Politics: A Record of Seven Decades, by Carol Fijan. Puppetry International: Contemporary Theatre, Film & Media.
Hroch, P. (Summer 2013). New Maternalisms, by Natalie Loveless. Museum and Curatorial Studies Review. 1 (1): pp. 105-113.
Clerté, Joris & Anne Morin (Directors). (2007). C'est Toujours la Même Histoire (It’s Always the Same Story). Subtitles by P. Hroch and M. Tiessen.
Animated by Joris Clerté. Senso Film – Maryline Charrier. Production by V. Giachino, Doncvoila (Paris, France).
Hroch, P. (2008). 2008-2009 Graduate Student Handbook. Graduate Student Association. University of Alberta: Edmonton, AB. [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (2007). Dividing Up the Pie. Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation Global Action Calendar 2007. [Illustration].
Hroch, P. (2007). The Shocking Truth. Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation Global Action Calendar 2007. [Illustration].
Hroch, P. (2008). Space and Culture: Journal of Social Spaces. (11.3) Sage Publications: London, UK. [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (2007). Xxx. The Take. Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA) ‘Zine. (vol. 2.1) [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (2007). Rue Auguste Comte. The Take. Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA) ‘Zine. (vol. 1.2) [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (2006). Ego/Truth. The Take. Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA) ‘Zine. (vol. 1.1) [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (March 3-24, 2007). Le Ciel du Skelette. Free for All. Edmonton Art Gallery. [Photography]
Hroch, P. (March 3-24, 2007). Toy Houses. Free for All. Edmonton Art Gallery. [Photography]
Hroch, P. (March 3-24, 2007). Rue Auguste Comte. Free for All. Edmonton Art Gallery. [Photography]
Hroch, P. (Forthcoming 2014). Nomadic Theory: The Portable Rosi Braidotti, by Rosi Braidotti. Feminist Theory. 15 (3).
Hroch, P. (Spring 2008). Puppets & Politics: A Record of Seven Decades, by Carol Fijan. Puppetry International: Contemporary Theatre, Film & Media.
Hroch, P. (Summer 2013). New Maternalisms, by Natalie Loveless. Museum and Curatorial Studies Review. 1 (1): pp. 105-113.
Clerté, Joris & Anne Morin (Directors). (2007). C'est Toujours la Même Histoire (It’s Always the Same Story). Subtitles by P. Hroch and M. Tiessen.
Animated by Joris Clerté. Senso Film – Maryline Charrier. Production by V. Giachino, Doncvoila (Paris, France).
Hroch, P. (2008). 2008-2009 Graduate Student Handbook. Graduate Student Association. University of Alberta: Edmonton, AB. [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (2007). Dividing Up the Pie. Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation Global Action Calendar 2007. [Illustration].
Hroch, P. (2007). The Shocking Truth. Saskatchewan Council for International Cooperation Global Action Calendar 2007. [Illustration].
Hroch, P. (2008). Space and Culture: Journal of Social Spaces. (11.3) Sage Publications: London, UK. [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (2007). Xxx. The Take. Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA) ‘Zine. (vol. 2.1) [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (2007). Rue Auguste Comte. The Take. Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA) ‘Zine. (vol. 1.2) [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (2006). Ego/Truth. The Take. Sociology Graduate Student Association (SGSA) ‘Zine. (vol. 1.1) [Cover photograph].
Hroch, P. (March 3-24, 2007). Le Ciel du Skelette. Free for All. Edmonton Art Gallery. [Photography]
Hroch, P. (March 3-24, 2007). Toy Houses. Free for All. Edmonton Art Gallery. [Photography]
Hroch, P. (March 3-24, 2007). Rue Auguste Comte. Free for All. Edmonton Art Gallery. [Photography]